Goal Setting

With this time of year being renowned for over indulgence, it’s the perfect time to start setting goals, not just for the New Year which is so common, but perhaps what you want to achieve over the festive period to get through without too much damage.

Setting small achievable goals, to ultimately take you to your end goal.

Have a goal for the end.
Have a goal for the end of the month.

What do you want?

Be specific, get into emotion, go deeper…..for example, I want to feel better in clothes and more confident, I want to enjoy training, I want to weigh this weight, but I want to weigh that weight by the end of the month.

How do you know when you have achieved your goal?

I will fit into my jeans better, or my back isn’t as achy, or I can now deadlift this weight for example.

What resources do you have to help?

Support from partners, family
Online resources and personal training ;)

Write good qualities about your self – draw on the positives.

This can include things like being hard working, organised with food preparation, having gym appointments booked in your diary.

Is this outcome in my control?

If this is the case then what happens to make you feel less in control, and can you overcome them, for example going out, having friends over, getting busy with work.

What can minimise these threats?

Need to be more assertive in saying no to things, organise self the night before.

Ecology check – is the overall goal going to have a negative impact on your life/relationship, because of refusing to go out and/or getting obsessed with food because of the prep.  This is something you obviously want to avoid, so how to overcome these issues.

Ultimate question – How is achieving your goal going to affect your life?

Be happier.
Feel in control.
Be more confident.
Be more positive.

These are also things and feelings that you should start working on now, as mindset is so important to help you reach goals.  You should be happy as you are, just feel like there is something you want to work towards which will increase your happiness.

What actions do I need to take to move forward?

Something needs to change if not achieving what you have set out to achieve.
Break the goals down even smaller to day by day so motivated each day.

Don’t be fearful of change, these are exciting times ahead, where I hope I can help at Valkyrie Personal Training and Massage.

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