Spring clean your health and wellness

Valkyrie PT and Massage-London

The weather is warming up and it finally seems as though we can begin our annual countdown to the long awaited summer. This time of year may be the best time to kick start a whole new you with a fresh new exercise regime – after all, spring is a time of brand new starts. So here are five simple tips for jumping into this reinvigorating time of year with both feet.

Book a body check-up

Let’s begin with the basics and ensure that all your vitals are in check – book an appointment with your doctor to see how your cholesterol, blood pressure and vitamin levels are faring. On the latter point, if you’re feeling lethargic and anything but full of the joys of spring, you should get to your local health store to pick up some vitamin C.

Forget about that failed New Year’s resolution

New Year’s resolutions are great for motivation that is whilst you stick to them – but once you’ve failed and feel miserable about it, there’s nothing left but self-pity and that tub of Häagen-Dazs to comfort you. Now is the time to shake off any feeling of failure – for whatever reason, the time wasn’t right or the goals weren’t realistic. So set some new goals, write them down and stick them up somewhere you’ll see them every day. Make sure they’re achievable – simple things such as walking for a further 10 minutes a day, or visiting the gym for an extra two sessions per week. Small changes like these make the biggest and most sustainable of differences.

Pair up with a buddy

Another way to commit to your new you routine is to team up with a friend – this provides you with some accountability, as well as making those workouts or walks a little more fun. Be sure to tell them of your fitness goals, that way they can help you in staying on track.

Skip into action

It can be pretty disheartening to see few results from the small steps that you’re taking. A simple measure that can help you in upping your fitness more quickly is to grab your skipping rope – this exercise can burn as many as 208 calories every 20 minutes!

Have a spring clean of your pantry

Out with the old and in with the new – take a look at your cupboards, fridge, freezer and pantry and be brutal on the foods that are nothing but low nutritional value, junk foods.

Rejuvenate that exercise playlist of yours

Music is an excellent motivator, and has been shown time and again to improve athletic performance. If your tunes are uninspiring, tired and played one-hundred times too many, then it’s time to download some newer, more upbeat tracks.

Don’t neglect the other side of health – your mental health

We all hold at least some knowledge as to what we need to do to get physically into shape, however with 1 in 6 of us suffering from depression, few of us likely know or take any action on managing our mental health. While exercising and indulging in a healthy diet are two core tips for looking after your mind-set, you may also want to consider curbing your drinking and taking time out to mediate or practice mindfulness.

Ready to commit to a whole new you this springtime? Then we should get started! Why not send me an email on hannah@valkyrieptandmassage.co.uk, or call me on 07973 483314 for a chat.

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